Do Not Buy San Juan’s Mayor Rhetoric

San Juan’s Mayor has known how to take advantage of her 15 minutes of fame in the mainstream media with her performances worthy of an Oscar “crying” and talking about decolonization, but without saying at any time how to decolonize the island, since that would represent the end of her political career


There is no doubt that Hurricane Maria changed Puerto Rico forever. The damage to its infrastructure, the fatalities, the challenges it has caused on issues such as education, healthcare and massive emigration of Puerto Ricans to the continental United States, has made the statement that Puerto Rico must change many things once and for all.

There are always those who want to take advantage of the tragedy, as is currently being attempted by the Mayor of San Juan, Carmen Yulín Cruz, who has been trying to use the 15 minutes of fame that the President of the United States Donald Trump gave her through Twitter to build a future run for governor in the 2020 elections, but the desire of the people to raise the island again is much stronger than Yulín’s hypocrisy and power ambitions.

The people should take this opportunity to reflect on what we must change so that Puerto Rico rises stronger than ever, so that the day mother nature decides to manifest again, the people be prepared and ready for recovery. I am not a believer in coincidences, much less when changes are caused by mother nature. I believe that life, or God, or whatever you want to believe, has sent us a message that we must change and take a new direction. It is time for Puerto Rico to make the radical changes that it has been reluctant to make.

Last week, a well known political commentator in Puerto Rico, Enrique “Kike” Cruz, tweeted that the pro-statehood political leaders must find a way to “stop the Mayor”, because there is “money flowing in”. He also wrote that Yulín wants to “decolonize Puerto Rico” but does not want to mention the word independence.

Kike Cruz has not said anything new. I have said this since the results of the last Puerto Rican election. The machinery of the Popular Democratic Party (PPD), which Yulin is a member, is on the ground, their leadership is invisible, they are without money and they had to appoint Hector Ferrer again as the party’s president because they were left without a strong leader. The tragedy caused by Hurricane Maria has become the ticket to which the team of Carmen Yulín has bet for her candidacy for the governorship in 2020. She has the local labor unions and the radical sector of the Democratic Party (composed mostly of labor unions in the nation) on her side. That means that she will have a lot of money available for her campaign.

These labor unions and leftist organizations call themselves as “advocates for social justice”, but they participate more in political investing than any company or corporation. Labor unions and leftist organizations in the nation are powerful donors and she will have funds from those people for her campaign, which means that her campaign will possibly be the most heavily financed in the political history of Puerto Rico. We will see so much propaganda.

She has known how to take advantage of her 15 minutes of fame in the mainstream media with her performances worthy of an Oscar “crying” and talking about decolonization, but without saying at any time how to decolonize the island, since that would represent the end of her political career and of her ambitions, since the ideology she believes does not exceed 2.5% of the popular vote every 4 years and with the growing influence of the federal government on the island and the media attention that Puerto Rico has received in the United States where we have been recognized as US citizens, that 2.5% may be reduced even more. The pro-statehood leaders underestimate her because they think that because she sympathizes with the ideals of the left, the people would not elect her governor. Big mistake, the leaders of the left are the best appealing to passion and feelings and we are seeing it with all the propaganda that has been posted about Yulín in social media pages like NowThis Politics and Al Jazeera. There are even people in the States that sympathize with her without knowing that on the island she has participated in anti-American rallies. That’s how powerful propaganda is.

The city of San Juan continues to be a mess after the hurricane. What is the purpose of she allowing that? Leave San Juan as a mess for the purpose of  blaming the federal government and the Trump administration?

The leadership of her party doesn’t like her and they do not find a way to get rid of her and her combo, among them that immature child called Manuel Natal, a state legislator who gets paid for tweeting, (and yeah they complain a lot about Trump’s tweets but Natal doesn’t stop being annoying on social media), because they know that she does not agree with the ideals in which that party was founded.

I remember when she said in front of the cameras on WAPA TV, a local Puerto Rican tv channel, that the Commonwealth (ELA) was a “colony”?

So if she does not believe in the Commonwealth, but does not believe in statehood neither, what does she believe in? I think the question answers by itself, it is not a science.

If Carmen Yulin becomes governor, Puerto Rico would have for the first time in its history a pro-independence governor, despite the fact that the last time the pro-independence ideal surpassed the miserable 5% in the popular vote was in the 1956 Puerto Rican elections, even before the first electoral victory of the pro-statehood party. But how would it be possible for an pro-independence politician to become governor if in the last three general elections, the Puerto Rican Independence Party (PIP) barely exceeded 2% in the popular vote?

The answer is simple, because the Popular Democratic Party has been infiltrated for years by pro-independence politicians who know that the only way to reach positions of power is to disguise themselves as status quo cronies in the PPD. Being pro-independence and being a PPD member is a total contradiction. Those who believe in the Commonwealth (the official PPD’s ideology) believe in US citizenship for Puerto Ricans and believe in a relationship of unity with the United States, even if it is as a colony (which is ridiculous), but the issue is that they believe in that unity.

If those are the ideals in which former governor Luis Muñoz Marín founded the PPD in 1938, how would it be possible for an pro-independence politician like Carmen Yulín to be that party’s candidate for governor in the next election in 2020?

Again simple, thanks to the propaganda. We are living in a time when everyone who is against President Donald Trump, even if is corrupt and a liar, is a “good person” and she has known how to take advantage of that. Since Hurricane Maria hit the island and Yulín has gone around becoming “Trump’s most recent victim”, no one remembers that the offices of the City Government of San Juan were raided by the FBI and that some arrests for corruption crimes that the FBI made this year included people who had contracts with the Municipality of San Juan. People have forgotten the juicy contracts for doing nothing to people like Clarissa Lopez, daughter of former federal convict and marxist terrorist Oscar López Rivera, who spent 35 years in federal prison for teaching Puerto Rican radical marxist extremists how to make bombs, and Pedro Julio Serrano. They have forgotten the anti-American rallies in which she has participated and they have forgotten that she is not who she says she is.

As a Puerto Rican, is not funny to imagine a governor being counseled and advised in private by a person like Oscar López Rivera, and that would be Carmen Yulín if she ever becomes governor.

If you do not believe in independence and consider voting for Carmen Yulín, good luck trying to resolve that contradiction. If Yulin ever becomes governor, the only responsible for that would be the pro-statehood leaders, since unmasking this lady is no science. Continue to underestimate it her and you will see the results within three years. Do not say that you were not warned.


Author: Nelson R. Albino

Follow him on Facebook & Twitter @nalbinojr

One thought on “Do Not Buy San Juan’s Mayor Rhetoric”

  1. Ya los sanjuaneros se equivocaron elegiendo a la Yulìn, a la cual no conocìa, pero ahora la conocen los sanjuaneros y el pueblo de Puerto Rico como la “comandante , la revoltosa, la comunista, la politiquera PERO NO LA TRABAJAORA” estoy seguro que ni San JUan ni el pueblo de PR elegirà NUNCA a semejante ANARQUISTA.


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